what a life.

Well friends, I am alive. Do you ever get in a rut of doing absolutely nothing for about 2 months straight? Yah. Me too. Well, let me preface it with I wasn’t doing nothing. In fact, I feel like I was never in my home for the past few months. I was in Grand Rapids or back in my hometown in Michigan or working or at a work event or bowling (because I’m in a league now. Yah, I’m cool.) So I haven’t been doing nothing, I’ve just been trying to recover from the whirlwind that is my life whenever I’m not in the middle of the whirlwind. But I’m here. And I’ve missed this little spot on the internet.  A lot.

I don’t have much new information to provide you with today other than the fact that I chopped my hair and I’m LOVIN it. Which everyone will tell me “Told ya so!” but still, I loved my long hair so its an adjustment.

In other news, I’ve been slowly trying to redecorate my apartment and I’ve learned so much.

  1. Rugs are so unbelievably expensive that I’m surprised they are not hand delivered to your doorstep with a bottle of champagne and a man in a suit.
  2. Living in a large city without a car and a minimum of an hour drive to the nearest IKEA is not ideal for someone on an IKEA budget and walking distance to Crate & Barrel.
  3. Finding artwork for your walls is almost as hard as it is for me to find a date.
  4. I so badly want a dining room table and a dining room and a coffee table.
  5. Ultimately, I want a house so badly. SO BADLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA.

I just want to decorate and have 5 Christmas trees and entertain and have cute bookshelves and plants everywhere and a warm fireplace and a big cozy bed and a kitchen so that others can cook in it (lolz, maybe I’ll take a swing at cooking in a larger kitchen).

So that’s what I came here to say. That I am alive. I wish I lived in a huge house in the middle of downtown Chicago. And that I can’t find artwork for my walls.


What a life folks. Maybe next time I’ll bring you something actually helpful, but don’t get your hopes up.

Until next time,

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